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Course ~ How to design an animal character

Course ~ How to design an animal character

Regular price $35.00

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Project Instructions

Designing Animal Characters

Class Project

Create an original animal character with accessories that work together to tell a story. 


You can use whatever materials you want! Just make sure you have something to draw and color with.

I'll be sketching using Procreate on an iPad and finally, refining my sketch and finishing my character on watercolor paper in mixed mediums. (watercolor, pen, colored pencil, and acrylic paint)

Class Steps

  • Choose an animal you'd like to turn into a character. Learn a bit about that animal. 
  • Using that information as inspiration, think of some personality traits and a job or hobby for your character. If you are stuck for inspiration, feel free to pick from the list below:
    • Mouse, Koala, Tiger, Rabbit, Gorilla, Fox
    • Sneaky, lazy, cool, funny, confident, intimidating 
    • Office worker, surfer, student, baker, delivery person, musician 
  • Sketch your animal using reference photos. Sketch it in it's natural form.
  • Referencing your sketches and photos, find the animal's most prominent or defining attributes.
  • Play with proportions, shapes, and contrast to stylize your animal's form to become the basis for your character design.
  • Choose accessories, patterns, and textures for clothing that help tell your character's story 
  • Complete your drawing and get ready to color
  • Color in your character.
  • You're finished! 

Share your finished illustration and any sketches from this project with me via email at You can also find my on Instagram @sammieclarkart and on YouTube :) 

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